
A nice Gear Tool

Vincent Mazeas, a friend and ex-student has just release a nice script for 3DSMax.

Just model your gears, and they will work !

You can ask Vincent for more information : Vincent Mazeas

Or just watch the video :

Gearrify from Vincent Mazéas on Vimeo.


MultiLayer Physically Correct Shading in Blender

My Multi-Layer Physically Correct shading in Blender/Cycles starts to be fine for the first tests.

So, I'm trying a standard case study for multi layer : Candy Apple Paint !

I've found the recipe and 'how to' on a street-rod forum on internet, and convert it to multilayer shading : Golden Base(mid) + Dark color(thick) + Clear (thick). It works pretty well !

Of course, the work is not yet finished. I still have problems with node limitations in Blender, and it's currently working just on GPU rendering...

I'm still working on it, and it will be improved and easier to use.

There is no flakes in this paint, as the goal was not to make a perfect car paint, but to use multi layered material.

So, here are the results :


Imperial Beach, juste au sud !

Au sud de San Diego, juste avant de passer au Mexique, il y a des plages, fortement appréciées des pécheurs, des surfeurs, des baigneurs et des badauds !

Il faut dire qu'ellse sont magnifiquse, alors, autant en profiter !


Sur la route du culte...

Tout le monde est d'accord pour dire qu'après le dollar, le second dieu des USA est l'automobile.

En Californie, on se demande même si ce n'est pas la premier...